The current Benin in Edo State, Nigeria used to know as Igodomigodo

The former name of the Benin Kingdom was Igodomigodo (c.45 BC), then Ílẹ̀-Ìbínú (c.1190 AD), then Ubinu (1220 AD), then Benin (1485 AD). 
The Ogiso dynasty, which is today known as the Ogiamien of Utantan, Igodomigodo in Benin has existed for over 300 years before the coming of Oba Eweka 1 of Benin.

According to Edo oral history, Igodomigodo was the name given to the kingdom by Igodo, the first ogiso (King), who founded the first dynasty of what would later be known as the Benin Empire (which existed from around 1180 until 1897 in the area of the present-day Federal Republic of Nigeria (and not in the area of the unrelated, current Republic of Benin)).

The ogiso era was replaced by the oba era, and the name of the kingdom was changed from Igodomigodo to Edo by Oba Eweka I

