Akoko Edo is the oldest local government area in Nigeria

Akoko-Edo is one of the six (6) Local Government Areas in the Afenmai/Afemai Region in Edo North Senatorial District of Edo State of Nigeria with Its Headquarters at Igarra. The distance from Igarra to Benin City the Capital of Edo –State is approximately 160 km.

The history of this local government can be traced back to the era of the British Colonial Administration in Nigeria after the creation of Kukuruku Division in 1918 which coincided with the end of the First World War and the subsequent creation of 7 District Headships in 1919 out of the Kukuruku division with one of the “District Headships” at Igarra.

And when in 1963,the Mid-Western Region was created out of the Old Western Region, the present area now referred to as Akoko-Edo constituted part of the then Afenmai/Afemai District Council. The Afenmai Division remained as a homogenous entity until 1976 when the Division was split into 3 Distinct Councils namely; Akoko-Edo District Council, Etsako District Council and Ivbhietsako District Council (later renamed as Owan District Council) for the purpose of better administration and to bring the government close to the people.

Akoko-Edo Local Government has ten (10) large Political Wards, 14 Clans, 16 Sub Clans and 56 towns and villages. Some of the towns and villages include: Igarra, Ewan, Ojirami, Dangbala, Makeke, Ekpe, Bekuma, Okpe, Ososo, Ojah, Lampese, Ikiran, Ibekuma, Uneme-Osu, Ijaja, Ayegunle, Olloma, Ibilo, Uneme-nokhua, Ekpe-Edo, Ekpesa and Ikpeshi.

The 2006 population census figures put Akoko-Edo Local Government Area population at 262,110. The total land mass of the L.G.A is about 1,371 square kilometres and the population density is 3 per cent per square kilometre.

The people are made up of conglomerate of tribes, so close together within their geographical area, but so far apart in social cultural identity and also with an ocean of differences in their linguistic arrangements. And in spite of the glaring social-cultural and linguistic differences, Akoko-Edo L.G.A has a long history of being the oldest, largest and unaltered Local Government area in Nigeria.

Generally, the people of Akoko-Edo are peace loving and hospitable especially to strangers, the reason why the region is occupied by both the indigenes and foreigners from far and near doing one trade or the other. The major economic activity in Akoko-Edo is Agriculture which provides employment for about 83.1% of the working population. About 8.8% are Traders while 4.1% are Educationists and the rest 4.0% are Health Care Providers.

Akoko-Edo Local Government Area has a favourable climate, fertile soil and a high potential for agricultural development. The major agricultural products are Yam, Cassava, Plantain, Maize, Cocoyam, Live-Stock and Cash Crops such as Cocoa, Cashew, Kolanut, Oil Palm and Coffee. Timbers are also found in Akoko-Edo and in addition to agriculture, there are specialized craft like clothes-weaving, wood-carving, traditional brick-laying, pottery etc.

There are different ethnicities in this region; The Okpameri people constitute the major ethnic group in Local Government area. Some names of the towns/villages that make up Okpameri are as follows: Ibillo, Lampese, Imoga, Ekpesa, Ayegunle, Ugboshi , Ekor, Somorika, Ikiran, Bekuma, Ogbe, Eshewa, Ogugu, Makeke, Ojah, Onumu, Ojirami, Dangbala, Ekpe, Ebun, Ayanzah.Other ethnicities include the Uneme people, comprising Uneme-Erhurhu, Uneme-Akiosu, Uneme Ekpedo,Uneme-Akpama,Uneme-Nokhua,  and the Etuno People,Okpe-Idesa-Oloma-Akukuku, Ososo, Sasaru-Ewan, Ikpeshi, Igbegere amongst others.

The tourism industry is yet to be fully exploited despite the existence of numerous tourist centres such as Ososo Tourist Centre, Somorika Hills and Caves, Ojirami Dam, Ojah Pottery, Igarra Rocks, Lampese Crocodile Lake etc. Also present in the area is a large deposit of Limestone, Kaolin, Marble, Lime, Dolomite, Tourmaline Feldspar, precious stone, Iron-Ore and gold waiting to be tapped.

The Local government area is rich in cultural heritage; with festival such as age grade and new yam. The favourite food of the people in the area is Bush Meat Melon Vegetable Soup accompanied with Pounded Yam. Presently the dominating religion in the area is Christianity as worshipping of idols in families in accordance with the tradition and culture handed down from one generation to another has reduced drastically.

Akoko-Edo Local Government Area apart from being referred to as the Oldest, Largest, Unaltered L.G.A in Nigeria, is also an area waiting to be exploited and developed industrially and agriculturally in view of its rich endowment of mineral  and human resources and fertile soil suitable for both food and cash crops. That’s not all; the favourable weather coupled with good road networks across most towns and villages, constant electric power supply, and various tourist centres makes the area a tourist destination of first choice.

Author: Joseph O. Segun – This article has been edited for use on Afenmai Connect.


Jerom said…
Mr Segun I really appreciate your effort but are you trying to tell me that AKUKU is not a community in akoko edo local government because from all the villages that you have mentioned so far in this history AKUKU Community is not included in dis history..But don't forget that AKUKU community is one of the oldest community in akoko edo local government..please try and update this page.. I will be very grateful if my observation are been considered...I am Joshua Precious by name