Ikogosi Warm Springs Resort Where The Warm and Cold Flow Side by Side in Nigeria

Ikogosi warm Springs Resort is one of the many beautiful gifts of nature to Nigeria. The beautiful resort is located in Ekiti state Nigeria. Ikogosi Warm Spring Resort has become a popular tourist attraction in Nigeria for decades. It became famous for its warm and cold springs forming a confluence at a point in the resort without mixing and still retaining their thermal properties.

In 1952, Southern Baptist missionary, Rev. John S. McGee, from his mission base in the nearby Ekiti town of Igede, went to the source of the hot and cold springs, about which he had heard from the Ikogosi people. Initially, he was discouraged from doing this, for reasons of the tradition he had heard from the local residents, which was that nobody should ever visit the source of these two streams, because of the idea that to do so would be to invite death from the supernatural forces that were responsible for this strange, and most unusual, a feature of nature. In spite of these "warnings," Rev. McGee made his way through the bush/forest, up the hill to the source of the two side-by-side springs. According to Rev. McGee's later brief, written account, "After seeing it, I felt that it could be used for a good purpose. I discussed the possible use of it with some of the Mission and (Nigerian Baptist) Convention friends. With the growing interest in Royal Ambassador work and youth work, we felt that it could best be used by building a Youth Camp. I took it up with the Ekiti Association and we decided to build a camp for our R.A.s and G.A.s. The land was secured through the Convention.
Having had the water from both springs tested to ensure its purity, Rev. McGee, with support from the Ekiti Baptist Association of churches and the Nigerian Baptist Convention who secured 28 acres of land which was the original camp, began planning for the building of the camp.

The story of the Ikogosi Warm Spring, Ekiti State, without doubt, could be likened to the story of a pearl in the hands of a pig which is oblivious of its value, trampling on it, waiting for a goldsmith to pick it and turn it into a fanciful object desired by men of means, wealth, fame and

