Nigeria wake up!

Nigeria is presently in the hands  of perpetual blood suckers we call our leaders. President Buhari is proved to us that he is not a leader Nigeria needs at the moment. He doesn't have the heart of God,nor he has a forgiving spirit. He only wages war against his enemies, not the enemies against the development of this country. He folds his arms and watch herdmen operate under his nose. Can a ordinary cattle rearer afford a riffle of 3 million Naira? Can this government come out to say that they don't know the people financing these perpetual and notorious killers called herdsmen? 
      Why is it difficult for the government under President Buhari to declare herdsmen as a terrorist group?
 Should we allow these abominable human beings to turn the whole of Nigeria to graze land? The herdsmen have so much effrontery to infiltrate another state and feed their cattle at expense of someone else's farm produce.
Herdmen now operate at a terrific rate; they enter someone's farm, rape his wife and daughters,kill him if they like and no government is ready to bring them to justice.
Buhari keeps developing the North, while other Zones suffer.
  Buhari is urging Nigerians to pray for his son that had a bike accident while enjoying himself, but watches as other people's children are killed by the herdsmen. 
       Is this the kind of leader we want to trust our votes for? We are all responsible for what is happening in this country for selling our birthright in exchange for money by the politicians.
       God will deliver Nigeria!!
