The true Change we need in Nigerai

                                 CHANGE! CHANGE!! CHANGE!!!
Has there been any change or transformation in Nigeria since we got independence in 1960? The answer is NO! The reason is that, we still have the same set of people of like minds ruling us... Come in 2019, the major candidates that would be contesting for the seat of the president of this nation would be Buhari and Atiku, in which none of them is good enough for the growth and development of this country,why? Because they both liars, corrupt, selfish, clueless, vision-less, callous and full of sentiments. These are not leaders fit for Nigeria, but what is the way forward? It is simple, the youths of this country need to fight for their rights and forcefully take back their stolen future from these old inhumane people.

We need to stop following all these politicians buying our future with money. "It is only a youth without a bright future that sells it cheap to a politician."

Let us come out straight and show these tyrants that it's time for them to go to where they belong. If Murtala Mohammed, Obafemi Awolowo, and so on could rule Nigeria in their prime, so what is stopping us?

Remember Esau in the bible who sold his birthright because of porridge... We must change our mentally right now if we truly want that change we hope for in Nigeria.

