World of comparison

I always think on the best thing to compare human body with until I went to a cemetery. I was observing a body of someone I used to know when he was alive and the sudden transformation that took place in his body few months he died. After about two months of his death,at the cemetery,i noticed some changes which made me to remember what I was taught in the University. I noticed that his body passed through rigor mortis, autolysis and at the stage of putrefaction when I saw it. I sat down for awhile to think about it and I got to a conclusion that "humans are just like buildings." When a building is empty,without any occupant or without a living soul (human being),the building will start deprecating until it collapses. Green algae will grow on its walls, the walls will begin to deteriorate. Different animals will find their way in,then the building will finally collapse. This is synonymous to when a human being dies,there is no life in him again,the cells die,bacteria start operations on the body by digesting the body tissues and organs. This means we are empty without the breath of God as a building is empty without a human being as an occupant. The question is, how well do you value the life God has given you?If you are alive is for purpose. Do you really know the purpose of your existence? Are you making God happy with the life He has given you? If you can answer all the questions,then you are on the right track if not,trace your way back to God."It is appointed unto a man, once to die and after which, Judgement
